Sunday, December 17, 2006

Candle lighting skit Nativity Advent 4: Mary


I am Mary
At Christmas time, you hear a lot about me and Joseph

We didn’t plan to be special at Christmas
It just happened
Or perhaps I should say God had better plans than ours
God’s plans and vision for us was far bigger than what we thought was possible

Like many other people
Joseph and I had plans to be married
Our parents had arranged it
We were in love
We had planned to raise children
And for Joseph to go about building houses and other things

But then it happened, our plans were changed
An angel appeared to me and said I was going to have a baby
But not just any old baby
I was going to give birth to the Son of God
And His name would be called Jesus
And I discovered that Joseph wouldn’t be the father

Now for a moment I thought how could this be?
I am going to get married to Joseph
But then I remembered the teachings from my father and his father that with God anything is possible
And I mean anything!!!!

I was worried Joseph would not want anything to do with me or the baby
But he stuck around
He helped when things were tough
He loved both of us

But God’s surprises didn’t stop there
Even today he surprises us
He surprises us a lot with His love
As you open up your presents this Christmas
Remember that God brings you surprises

And this can be clearly seen when I look at the life, death and then life again of Jesus
Jesus showed people that God was loving
Jesus was a special child
He really loved people
He wanted everyone to receive the benefits of heaven
He dearly wanted many people to love God and love others as they loved themselves
And no matter what people did
He still kept on loving them, not only saying it but also showing it
He would still talk to them, help them, heal them and respect them
Jesus is a wonderful gift that God gave not only me
But also you, and you and you
Because as I discovered sometime later
The reason Jesus came to the world as a little baby was to show that God is love
And as he grew up God’s love could be seen in many different ways
You can still see this love as you read the pages of scripture,
Like the Gospel of Luke, why not plan to do this over the next year??
And as you do you will discover that Jesus came to do something very special
To pay the price so we could be free to be with Him and other Christians in heaven
This is how much God loves you

Over the last three weeks we have discovered that Christmas is about
God bringing us hope
God bringing us peace
God bringing us joy

And this week we have discovered that God bring us true love…
So along with the candles of hope, peace and joy let’s light the candle of love

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